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Quick Guide To Colorful Eating That Will Help To Improve Colon And Overall Health

Did you know that you can reduce your risk of colon cancer by eating a colorful plate of fruit and veggies? According to researchers who…

8 Foods That Triggers Heartburn. Know What To Eat Instead

It's painful, stressful and can become more serious. Heartburn is an incredibly common affliction, affecting almost everyone. Also known as acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux…

If you are all concerned about your veins, see a vein specialist

There are several reasons why people delay treatment for varicose veins and are often linked to misconceptions. For example, some people recall the old-fashioned, painful…

Why does Gas happen to me and how do I minimize it?

For many people, the sensation of gas accumulating in the digestive system is very common. In a single day, people may experience gas and gas…

Health benefits of Yoga

Yoga is a spiritual, mental and physical practice that has been around since ages. With time, people have discovered a number of health benefits associated…

How does Bariatric surgery help in cure/resolution of Diabetes

Diabetes is now a very common disease in urban population of india.Incidence of diabetes in obese people is five times higher than normal weight people…

How does Bariatric surgery help in the cure of Diabetes?

While the Gastric bypass surgery has become a popular option for obese people to shed the fats quickly, it has also become a surgery highly…

What are Pancreatic Diseases and how to fight them?

What is pancreas? Pancreas is one of the most fastidious organ in body. Surgeons avoid to touch it unless it is absolutely necessary. The pancreas…

What to expect after Bariatric Surgery

Obesity is a fast growing disease in world population including India. Multiple reasons have been linked to increasing incidence of obesity which include lack of…
